Genie Community Forum

Almond-Cloud is not answering

Hi, we installed our almond-cloud and set the back and front end up.

We tried the Web Almond only configuration. The Thingpedia and Almond NLP should be included in this. But our almond doesn’t answer to any of our questions. It just doesn’t respond. Although the Miscellaneous Interface and the Weather skill are implemented.

Any idea to fix this?

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Are there any errors in the terminal?

In any case, if you use the master version of almond-cloud, you should have access to the skills in (aka Almond 1.99), which at the moment include Weather, Yelp, Spotify, and Miscellaneous. Other skills are still WIP. If you want to use the older version of Almond, which talks to the older, larger Thingpedia, you should check out one of the older tags in the almond-cloud repo.

Thanks for your answer!

There are no errors in the Terminal. We have no idea what the problem is and why almond is not working.
Currently we use the the Almond version 1.99. But we will try the older version 1.8. Maybe this will solve the problem.

Thanks for your help!

Are there errors in the browser console? If you don’t see a message like “Hello! How can I help you?” the browser is not connected to the backend correctly.

Again thanks for your answer.
We have this error in the browser console:
Loading failed for the script with source “”.

Yeah that sums up the problem. Does the file conversation-bundle.js exist in public/javascripts in your almond-cloud git clone? It gets created when you run yarn.
Also, maybe look at the network tab as well? It will tell you if the error is a 404, a server error, or some other kind of error.

The file conversation-bundle.js was not created in public/javascripts.
And it is a 404 error.
Any idea how to solve this?

Hi gcampax

I’m helping Felix to fix this. You are asking for -bundle files in public/javascripts in our almound-clound git clone. That’s probably the issue: We followed the Cloud Almond Installation and Configuration Guide on the Stanford pages. This guide does not mention cloning git. Instead it suggests using yarn. So our installation is based on yarn, not on git.

Looking at public/javascripts I see the following files:

ubuntu@ubuntu2004:~$ ls -1 ~/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/almond-cloud/public/javascripts

There are no -bundle files at all. It seems, as if yarn didn’t create them. Is this an issue in the yarn installation procedure or in the documentation? How can we recreate them?

We would appreciate, if you could shed some light on that. Many thanks in advance

It might be a bug in yarn if the file was not generated.
Perhaps the most reliable way to install almond-cloud is to clone the almond-cloud git repository, install the dependencies and build the missing files with yarn, and then make the almond-cloud command available using yarn link. This should solve your problem.

Thanks for your help. This solved the problem:)