Genie Community Forum

Almond installation problem

I.m performing almond local installation but I have this problem. When I run the command ’
yarn global add github:stanford-oval/almond-cloud’, I receive this message:
error semver@7.1.2: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>=10”. Got “8.10.0”. I tried to execute the work around on .bashrc file, as yarn documentation suggested (alias node=nodejs), but I have the same issue.
Can you help me to fix problem ?

Hi Andrea!

Welcome to the forum!

The error occurs because you’re using nodejs version 8.*. That version is out of support upstream, and is no longer supported by Almond.
You should install nodejs 10.*. You can install it from the Ubuntu repositories if you run a sufficiently recent version of Ubuntu, or you can install it from the website.
(In the latter case, note that you might have trouble with using sqlcipher - see for an example issue you might encounter. You can disable sqlcipher if you don’t plan to have public users and don’t need data encryption at rest)

Hi Giovanni,
thank’s for your support.
I solved by installing the last version of nodejs.
Thank’s a lot

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