Genie Community Forum

Comments on Error Recovery

Hi Folks:

Additionally, the system must also learn from user corrections

I was reading the section on semantic parsing. I noticed a section on error recovery. No papers. Currently I have been reading an ACM Press book “Conversational UX Design” by Bob Moore and Raphael Arar. Through “Conversational Analysis,” the authors take the approach that conversations has a structure and this structure can be described in terms of “conversational patterns” influenced by design patterns.

I have been working through a pattern called “repair,” as in conversation repair (corrections). I have been working out implementing the pattern for Dialogflow. The logic is hand coded. When I get more proficient I would be test ideas using Almond. I’m happy to share the few things I’m learning from the experience.


Hi Andrew,

You’re quite right that error recovery it’s an important pattern!
We’ve been working to implement error recovery for semantic parsing errors as always-available platform functionality. We have a submission to EMNLP describing our new technology. Due to anonymity requirements for the conference, we cannot share it publicly, but I recommend contacting the lead author @s-jse privately who can tell you more about our approach.

Hi Giovanni:

Thanks. I’ll contact the author at some point (and hopefully understand what is happening).

I’m reading through the ThingTalk section on DialogueState. Are there Thingpedia examples that manipulate DialogState?


PS (there is a dead link -

Sorry about that link, the file recently moved to genie-toolkit/policy.yaml at master · stanford-oval/genie-toolkit · GitHub