Genie Community Forum

Home Assistant Can't Add Skills

When I try to add skills with the latest HA Genie Integration I receive various errors. When trying to add Bing or Dad Jokes I get:

Error: Cannot find module ‘thingpedia’ Require stack: - /data/almond-server/cache/device-classes/com.icanhazdadjoke/index.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/thingpedia/dist/loaders/base_ondisk_js.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/thingpedia/dist/loaders/v2.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/thingpedia/dist/loaders/index.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/thingpedia/dist/downloader.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/thingpedia/dist/factory.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/thingpedia/dist/index.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/genie-toolkit/dist/lib/dataset-tools/augmentation/replace_parameters.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/genie-toolkit/dist/lib/dataset-tools/augmentation/index.js - /opt/genie-server/node_modules/genie-toolkit/dist/lib/index.js - /opt/genie-server/dist/main.js

When trying to add Home Assistant skill I get

And then it redirect to


My HA is using SSL and this seems to be some underlying incompatibility due to that.

I’m having the same issues, same type of config, different port. Did you ever figure this out?

I noticed in the Config page that the URL is HTTP:// rather than HTTPS://

Is this something that we can edit in the config files?