Genie Community Forum

No support of LEDs on Respeaker board?


Following the announcement at HA, I try to setup a basic system with Genie to test how it works ! I have setup the server in Hassio using the addon avalaible and setup a client on a Pi 0 W with respeaker.
So far it detects easily the wake word (have to figure out next step on how to give commands) but the 3 LEDs on Respeaker board are solid white all time :frowning: I had feelings it was supported after reading installation insturctions but it looks not ! Someone to confirm ? I find it quite cool to get these LEDs working for a voice assistant :wink:



We don’t support the LEDs yet. It’s on the roadmap (if you saw the demo, LEDs work with the Baidu speaker devkit), and we’d love some community help to make it happen!