Genie Community Forum

"Your almond is dead"

we are trying to set up the Almond Cloud in our local network and when we followed the installation guide we were able to bootstrap and run the almond front- and back-end, but when logging in with the root user it shows “your almond is dead” with the E_WORKER_ERROR

(Unfortunately I cannot upload any media files it seems. I am a new user)

Any suggestions on how to solve that?

Hi @Pollux05, welcome to the Almond community.

Did you see any error in the terminal when you ran the backend? Are you running with or without sandbox?


Thanks for your reply @gcampax !

We skipped the sandbox part but also skipped this:

Note: If you skip this step, set THINGENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1 in your environment.

In case that could be a cause: can you explain where exactly this is to set “in our environment”? We are running it on a ubuntu Linux environment. Where do you set that variable? (Sorry we are absolute newbies)

Also, this is the error in the terminal when we run the Backend:

almond-cloud almond-run

Spawning process with ID 0/S0
Spawning process with ID 0/S1
Spawning process with ID 0/S2
Spawning process with ID 0/S3
Spawning process with ID 1
Spawning process with ID 2
Child with ID 1 exited with code 1
User 1 failed to start: Exited with code 1
Child with ID 2 exited with code 1
User 2 failed to start: Exited with code 1

“Almond is dead” error only comes up with the user types “developer” and “tester”.

Another error after running the command:
almond-cloud run-frontend --port 8080

Express server listening on port 8080
Control channel to EngineManager[0] ready
GET /me/status/start - - ms - -
GET / 301 0.442 ms - 100
GET / 200 3199.212 ms - 3387
GET /assets/javascripts/validator.min.js 304 21.887 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/jstz.min.js 304 7.642 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/shared.js 304 2.268 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css 304 16.165 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/index.css 304 3.782 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/style.css 304 8.405 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/app.css 304 1.005 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/index.js 304 422.003 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/commandpedia-bundle.js 404 450.059 ms - 3105
GET /assets/javascripts/commandpedia-bundle.js 404 375.200 ms - 3105
GET /assets/images/almond-background.png 304 2.785 ms - -
GET /me 302 4.409 ms - 66
GET /user/login 200 280.949 ms - 3686
POST /user/login 303 182.955 ms - 54
GET /me 200 419.684 ms - 4959
GET /assets/stylesheets/my_stuff.css 304 9.639 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/spinner.css 304 1.874 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/conversation.css 304 3.538 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/apps.js 304 5.975 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/conversation-bundle.js 404 295.875 ms - 3306
Failed to retrieve cached modules: Engine dead
Socket to user ID 1 closed
GET /me/status 200 446.354 ms - 5375
GET /assets/stylesheets/status.css 304 1.309 ms - -
GET /assets/stylesheets/dev_sidebar.css 304 0.617 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/status.js 304 3.388 ms - -
GET /assets/javascripts/docsearch.js 304 1.086 ms - -
GET /me/status/logs - - ms - -
{ Error: Exited with code 1
at ChildProcess.child.on (/home/ubuntu/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/almond-cloud/almond/enginemanager.js:307:24)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:248:12) code: ‘E_WORKER_ERROR’ }
POST /me/status/start 500 1812.203 ms - 3299

Thanks in advance for any tips and help!

“The environment” means the environment variables in the terminal tab (or screen/tmux session) where you run the backend.
You set the environment variable with the command:


Thank you very much @gcampax ! This helped to fix our problem!