Genie Community Forum

Welcome to the Almond Community Forum

Welcome! This is the forum of the Almond open virtual assistant ( We welcome all participation across a broad segment of topics, including user support, developer questions, skill suggestions and development, and general discussion of virtual assistant technology, including the social and technical challenges.

This forum is for everybody interested in the Almond open virtual assistant, and in open source virtual assistant technology in general. In this forum we hope to provide user and developer support, general discussions, and interesting ideas.
If you’re new to Almond, we invite you to introduce yourself in the Thread to say Hello.
You can also use this forum to keep up to date on news and announcements about Almond, which will be posted in the Announcements category.

You can read more about Almond and our vision on our home page.
Almond is part of the Stanford Open Virtual Assistant Lab, a multi-disciplinary collaboration led by Prof. Monica Lam.